MA. Thesis, A. Philip Randolph and His Struggle for Manhood," the University of Tokyo, 1994. (Written in Japanese. English Synopsis is available, click here).
Refereed Article
"The Forging of the Civil Rights Coalition: Part 1, the Great Depression and the Rise of A. Philip Randolph, Area Studies, vol.10 (1995): 51-75. (Written in Japanese. English Synopsis is available, click here).
"The Forging of the Civil Rights Coalition: Part 2, the March on Washington Movement as a Patriotic Protest," Area Studies, vol.12 (1997): 1-24. (Written in Japanese, English Synopsis is available, click here)
Published Essays
"Seattle, Sea Turtle, New Left, Ecology," Gendai-Shiso (February 2000): 254.
Oral Presentations
"Chicago Freedom Movement: Limits of Nonviolent Direct Action Strategy and the Turn of the Civil Rights Movement," at Summer Seminar of Japanese American Historian, Nagoya, Japan, August 29, 1999.
"Muhammad Ali as a Global Hero in the Sixties: Social Construction of Race and Symbolism of Black Prizefighter," presented at the workshop entitled "Transnationalism, Globalism, and American Studies," Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of American Studies, held in Aichi Prefectural Univeriy, Nagoya, Aichi-ken, 2-3 June 2001. Paper is available click here.
Life and Times of Tupac Shakur: A Griot of Inner-city America and Commodified
African American Radicalism," presented at the workshop entitled "Hip
Hop America: Dimensions of American Culture," Annual Meeting of the Japanese
Association of American Studies, held in the University of Kyoto, 5 June 2005.
Paper is available click here.
Japanese Translations
Eds., Yoshiaki Sato and Yasumasa Fujinaga, Malcolm X World (Tokyo: Komichi-syobo, 1993).
Paul Gilroy, "It Ain7t Where You're From, It'S Where You're At," in Paul Gilroy, Small Acts, 1993 in Gendai-Shiso (October, 1997): 170-180.
Hazel V. Carby, "Policing the Black Woman's Body in an Urban Context," Critical Inquiry 18 (Summer, 1992): 738-755 in Gendai-shiso (December, 1997): 140-157.